Camellia Cultivars Registered in 1976

Camellia Cultivars Registered in 1976

Camellia Cultivars Registered in 1976

American Camellia Society
New Cultivars Registered
in 1976
Pops_Perfection-2755 Camellia Library - Cultivar Name
Sorted Alphabetically by New Cultivar Name
Pops_Perfection-2755 Camellia Library - ACS Registration Number
Sorted by New Cultivar Registration Number

Registration Documents
for 1976

ACS Yearbook 2016
C. japonica 'R.L. Wheeler'
1376 The Red Baron non-reticulata hybrid - C.x williamsii Charles R. Phillips 01/1976 1376-The Red Baron
1378 Fragrant Pink Improved non-reticulata hybrid William Ackerman 01/1976 1378-Fragrant Pink Improved
1381 Vernice Anne japonica Vernice A. Meskell 03/1976 1381-Vernice Anne
1390 Miss Aiken japonica George M. Owens 01/1976 1390-Miss Aiken
1391 Just Darling japonica Dr. W. F. Mathis 02/1976 1391-Just Darling
1392 Dee Davis japonica Dr. Jack Davis 03/1976 1392-Dee Davis
1393 Polly Heaton non-reticulata hybrid - C.x williamsii Houghton S. Hall 03/1976 1393-Polly Heaton
1394 Billy Gates japonica Mrs. Henry S. Stone 03/1976 1394-Billy Gates
1395 Brother Rose japonica Mrs. Henry S. Stone 03/1976 1395-Brother Rose
1396 William Sellers reticulata hybrid W. E. Sellers 03/1976 1396-William Sellers
1397 Miss Lucy japonica Dr. T. E. Lundy 03/1976 1397-Miss Lucy
1398 Bloody Mary japonica Mrs. Henry S. Stone 03/1976 1398-Bloody Mary
1399 Dr. Lilyan Hanchey japonica Mrs. Henry S. Stone 03/1976 1399-Dr. Lilyan Hanchey
1400 Golden Gate japonica Houghton S. Hall 04/1976 1400-Golden Gate
1401 Cameron Cooper reticulata hybrid Frank Pursel 04/1976 1401-Cameron Cooper
1402 Lilemac japonica Alison B. McIver, Jr. 05/1976 1402-Lilemac
1403 Lil Stella japonica Mrs. Henry S. Stone 05/1976 1403-Lil Stella
1404 Little Aggie japonica M. E. Rowell 06/1976 1404-Little Aggie
1405 Pink Perfume japonica Dr. Clifford R. Parks 06/1976 1405-Pink Perfume
1406 Mildred Pitkin reticulata hybrid Frank Maitland 07/1976 1406-Mildred Pitkin
1407 Singapore Sal reticulata hybrid Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Putnam 10/1976 1407-Singapore Sal
1408 Elvige japonica Mr. Neal Rogers 10/1976 1408-Elvige
1409 Margaret Crutcher japonica Mr. C. C. Crutcher 05/1976 1409-Margaret Crutcher
1410 Virginia Womack non-reticulata hybrid - C.x williamsii Dr. R. K. Womack 12/1976 1410-Virginia Womack