1977 American Camellia Yearbook

Camellia Personalities

Camellia Varieties


13 The Winter That Was!

14 Winter Injury in the National Arboretum Camellia Collection

William L. Ackerman

21 What Happened to Camellias Outdoors in Maryland Last Winter?

Chiun T. Ling

23 Winter in Southeast Virginia

Frederic Heutte

25 Winter in North Carolina Area

Mrs. Joseph Spengler

27 South Carolina and the Winter That Was

Paul Dahlen

29 Comparative Effects of Low Temperatures on Camellias in the Sumter, South Carolina Area

Harold R. Bauer

28 Winterized Camellias

Luther W. Baxter, Jr.

40 Cold Damage!

Marvin Jernigan

42 Winter at Massee Lane

Helen Teeter

43 Savannah, Georgia

Gus Dubus

44 Operation Deep Freeze

Robert A. Hill

46 Pensacola and Winter

R. A. Sansing, Jr.

47 Effect of Cold Weather on Camellias in Louisiana

G. F. Abendroth

49 Effect of Soil Media and Fertilization on Cold Injury of Camellias

R. L. Self and Oliver Washington

51 Faith as a Mustard Seed

Clyde X. Copelan

52 " Demise" of the Camellia; Will it Return?

James H. Wagner

55 A Note on Camellia Dieback Control by Pruning

L. W. Baxter, Jr. and S. G. Fagan

57 Camellia Insect Control

V. Rodney Coleman

60 Survival of Spores of the Fungal Pathogen Glomerella Cingulata

Luther W. Baxter, Jr. and Susan G. Fagan

63 The Cutting Graft-The Background, The How, The Importance

Bob Savell and Steve Clark

68 Healing and Long-Term Care of Graft Unions

William Y. Bennett

77 Some Nursery Production Procedures of Interest to Container Camellia Enthusiasts

Gerald Smith

82 Powell Nursery Procedure for Air Layering Camellias

Gerald Smith