Wilmington Show Results - 2024

Wilmington Show Results - 2024

American Camellia Society

Show Results
Wilmington, NC
February 24, 2024

C. reticulata 'Holy Pure'
Tidewater Camellia Club
February 24, 2024
New Hanover County Arboretum
6206 Oleander Drive
Wilmington, NC

Show Chairwoman - Melissa Zylich & Diane Clark
Fred McKenna

Accredited Judges - Mike Andruczyk, Fred Binder, Marie Binder, Robert Black, June Rose Buchele, Betty Gail Buggeln, Judy Capps, Paul Cloessner, Jack Dewar, Judy Dewar, John Fields, Malia Huddle, John Krahnke III, Catherine Kubeny, Ross Kubeny. Fred McKenna, Toni McKenna, Mack McKinnon, Dale Shelley, Darren Sheriff, Susan Walker

973 Blooms Exhibited
800 Attendees
39 Exhibitors
0 ACS Memberships Sold

Gold Certificate (unprotected): 42 Blue Ribbons, Marty & Diane Clark
Silver Certificate (unprotected): 22 Blue Ribbons, Nate & Sherrie Buffum

Gold Certificate (protected): 47 Blue Ribbons, Bob & Sandy Black
Silver Certificate (protected): 15 Blue Ribbons, Mack & Ann McKinnon


C. japonica unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Lauren Tudor Pink Var.', Marty & Diane Clark
RU: 'Royal Velvet', John Fields
Md: 'Grand Marshal', Marty & Diane Clark
RU: 'Ville de Nantes', Paul & Cathy Cloessner
Sm: 'Black Gold', Nate & Sherrie Buffum
RU: 'Maroon and Gold', Tom & Peggy Camp

C. japonica protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Isabel Lewis', Bob & Sandy Black
RU: 'Chester D. Bellamy', Bob & Sandy Black
Md: 'Ville de Nantes', Nate & Sherrie Buffum
RU: 'Grand Marshal', Bob & Sandy Black
Sm: 'Ashley Black', Bob & Sandy Black
RU: 'Peggy's Blush', Bob & Sandy Black

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
VLg: 'Frank Houser Var.', John Fields
RU: 'Frank Houser', Nate & Sherrie Buffum
Sm/Lg: 'Valley Knudsen', Nate & Sherrie Buffum
RU: 'Crimson Candles', Paul & Cathy Cloessner

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected:
VLg: 'Dr. Clifford Parks', Bob & Sandy Black
RU: 'Miss Sally', Bob & Sandy Black
Sm/Lg: 'Nita McRae', Darren Sheriff
RU: 'Carroll's Legacy', Mack & Ann McKinnon

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Lavender Prince II', Dale Shelley
RU: 'Taylor's Perfection', Nate & Sherrie Buffum
Sm/Md: 'Dr. Zhivago', Marty & Diane Clark
RU: 'Freedom Bell', John Fields

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Taylor's Perfection', Mack & Ann McKinnon
RU: 'Charlean Var.', Bob & Sandy Black
Sm/Md: 'Island Sunset', Bob & Sandy Black
RU: 'Julie Var.', Bob & Sandy Black

Miniature unprotected:
BB: 'Fircone Var.', Nate & Sherrie Buffum
RU: 'Sweet Jane', Nate & Sherrie Buffum

Miniature protected:
BB: 'Baby Sis Blush', Bob & Sandy Black
RU: 'Fircone Var.', Bob & Sandy Black

Best Species: 'Star Above Star', Bob & Sandy Black


Best Seedling or Sport: 'G144', Bob & Sandy Black


Best Tray of Three - Japonica & Non-Retic Hybrid same variety, unprotected: 'Charlie Bettes', Marty & Diane Clark

Best Tray of Three - Japonica & Non-Retic same variety protected: 'Sea Foam', Bob & Sandy Black

Best Tray of Three - Reticulata same or different varieties, protected or unprotected: 'Harold L. Paige' 'Frank Houser', 'Phyllis Hunt', Mack & Ann McKinnon


Best Club Bloom - Ed & Lou Powers Award: 'Grace Albritton', Melissa Zylich

Club Blooms:
Lg/VLg: 'Carter's Sunburst Special', Melissa Zylich
RU: 'Dr. Richard Hardison', Jim & Paula Schiff
Md: 'Don-Mac', Rick Fagala
RU: 'Alba Splendens', Melissa Zylich
Sm: 'Pink Perfection', Melissa Zylich
RU: 'Tudor Baby Var.', Melissa Zylich
Mn: 'Cinnamon Cindy', Catherine LeMaster
RU: No Entry