2012 Camellia Journal Publications

Camellia Journal December 2012 - February 2013
'Mary Edna Curlee' is a pink splotched, medium peony flower with rose pink and darker red highlights, introduced in 1996 by Miles Beach.

Camellia Journal September 2012 - November 2012
'Conceptual drawing of the The Silver Conservatory at Massee Lane Gardens' by ACS Operations Manager Matthew Israel. Details on Page 11.

Camellia Journal June 2012 - August 2012
'Hulyn's Sweet Emily', a Camellia reticulata, is a very large, dark pink peony, registered by the late Hulyn Smith of Valdosta, Georgia, in July 2010, and is named for his granddaughter. Cover Photograph by Randolph Maphis.

Camellia Journal March 2012 - May 2012
The deep red large semidouble, peony to formal double flower 'Miss Charleston' was introduced in 1961 by W. I. Gill of Adams Run, SC, to honor the coronation of Miss Charleston. Cover Photo by Bradford King.